about us
So give us a moment to spill the beans….
“FUEL: Bean Supply Canteen” is a loving husband and wife duo who enjoy promoting and educating people about the quality and benefits of Specialty Coffee. They enjoy helping people realize that it is important to know exactly what they are drinking. From the type of beans to where the beans were grown because knowing this determines the quality and taste of your coffee.
Reena Gonzales and Marlon Veloso were long-time, childhood family friends who took the chance and decided to get to know each other a little better.
Ironically, over a cup of coffee after a sushi dinner. Reena, originally from Winnipeg, not being from Vancouver, asked Marlon if he had a favourite
café in mind. They both picked up a coffee to go and ended up watching Vancouver's Celebration of Lights Ceremony, a beautiful display of fireworks
along English Bay enjoying their gourmet cup of coffee. Fast forward 5 years to 2018, they are now happily married, have a 3-year-old son named Chase Christo and now operate the newest office coffee service in the Lower Mainland of the Greater Vancouver Area.

“FUEL: Bean Supply Canteen" strives to be the solution for the poor to mediocre coffee options which are offered in the majority of today's office settings. Hot beverages such as tea and specialty coffee drank as a pick-me-up during an occasional short break accompanied by co-workers have shown to reduce stress and also puts workers in a positive state of mind and mental alertness. The freshly roasted coffee beans we place in our machines are always fair trade organic and always guaranteed to be of superior quality. "FUEL: Bean Supply Canteen" is the solution that will provide your office the specialty coffee and a premium tea selection that helps employees focus and increase memory function. Studies have shown that the effects of drinking specialty coffee improve the accuracy and speed of problem resolution in the workplace.
“FUEL : Bean Supply Canteen” will provide you a Coffee option that compliments the brewed coffee already provided at your office.
Our Dispensing Systems are used world-wide, start enjoying the benefits of Specialty Coffee today.
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